EMI Shielding for Electronics
MOLECULAR REBAR®, MR, delivers a very unique balance of EMI, heat transfer and mechanical durability to silicone and other gasketing materials. The shielding behavior from megahertz to terahertz can be designed for reflectance or absorbance by tailoring the surface of MR and its concentration. In addition to EMI, take advantage of MR’s ability to increase thermal conductivity and mechanical durability of the material.

EMI Shielding for Electronics
MR can be used in materials in the form of a coating, tapes, sheets, foam adhesives or grease.
MR can be used in combination with other EMI materials.
Adding 5% wt. MR to metal flake paste increases attenuation from -9dB/cm to -40dB/cm at 6GHz
MR can be processed via low cost printing, spraying or e-coating methods.
MCS Attenuation

MOLECULAR REBAR’s unique capability to tailor the surface with other nanoparticles helps you create the next advanced technology for shielding

Electron Micrograph of MOLECULAR REBAR® with attached magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced EMI absorptivity.
Thermally conductive
MOLECULAR REBAR enhances thermal conductivity of materials and provides more confidence in assembly because of more robust handling and durability.
Addition of as little as 0.5% by weight of MR in filled thermal materials can improve thermal conductivity by 30% or more.